Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Squig went to the vet yesterday. $285.00 later, I found out that he is getting old.  I guess it is what he "didn't" have that was a relief.  Having been through a bout of Pancreatitis with him last year, I didn't want to go through that again.  That bout of sickness was over $800.00

He was a free dog.  He was given to me by someone who bought him from a high class breeder and then decided they couldn't deal with a puppy.  He is the most expensive free dog I have ever had.

I think I've told you that he is also the most religious dog in the world.  When he was a puppy, he ate the cover off my leather Bible and the first three to five chapters of the book of Genesis.  After he had eaten Ken's Sunday shoes.

I can see why the owners didn't want him.  But we eventually got all that straightened out and he has agreed to correct his behavior to meet my conditions for survival.

There are going to be dogs in heaven.  Jesus is coming back on a horse, so there are going to be animals.  The lion will lay down with the lamb.  And dozens of other scriptures that indicate that opinion.

So......maybe it doesn't specifically name dogs.  But I am confident they will be there.  Because you have to knowingly do wrong to be a sinner.  "To him who knows to do good and doesn't do it, to him it is sin."  James 4:17  And everything Squig does is good.......so, I think he will get a doggie pass.

I'm not sure that opinion is good theology, but maybe it will work for dogs.

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