Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My friend Jeanette is going to come over this morning and help me empty a closet that I stacked stuff in.  I spent yesterday morning cleaning out my sewing room closet so I will have space in it when I transfer stuff.

Helping me means that she will sit and watch--and keep me focused on what I'm trying to accomplish.  It's not something that anyone else can really help me do, I have to do it myself even though I've put it off for a year.  I just don't want to do it by myself.  

Friends that will come and talk to you--while you do a job you don't want to do and keep you motivated--are the best. 

I had a "Wedding Wall" at the other house.  I arranged all the wedding pictures from Ken and me, our four children, and and ten grandchildren on the wall in my bedroom.  Those pictures are what I'm going to get out of the closet.

Pictures are a problem.  Nobody hangs them anymore.  They have zillions on their phones .  Back when I was young, you went to the photographer and had a family picture done every few years. There weren't many so they are special.  The ones my mom and dad had were black and white.

When I was in high school, the photographer would take your picture in black and white, and then tint it appropriately.  I was digging around in all the stuff I am going to go through today, and found a picture Ken had of me that he had enlarged by someone in Japan (and colored) when he was overseas.

I had forgotten all about it.  I was so young!!  Eighteen.  I'm sure I'm going to find a bunch of pictures in boxes that I have forgotten about.

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