Thursday, May 14, 2020

Talk about mixed messages.  Every time I turn the TV on somebody has a new message about what to do.  And how to do it.  There is no way to keep from getting this virus if you are "out there."  The only way to keep from getting it is to not be exposed.  The only way to not be exposed is to not be in contact with transmitters--people--since nobody knows who has it and who doesn't.  

Some people carry it  and they have no symptoms.  Testing seems to be pointless, because the tests don't work half the time.  And by the time you get the result--you may not have had it back when you took the test--but you may have it now.  Or you may test negative, actually have the virus, go back to work in a meat plant and give it to everyone there.

The only thing that stops polio is a vaccine.  The only thing that stops measles is a vaccine.  Whooping cough, diphtheria, and many other things have to have a vaccine.  I lived through a time we didn't have those vaccines.  It was scary.

So.  We can't stay in the house away from people forever.  We have to go get groceries.  I wear disposable gloves and discard them when I get into the car.  Not on the ground! in a trash bag.  I dump the sacks out on the floor of the utility room and leave everything sitting there for 24 or more hours.  Wash my hands.  Wash my hands and wash my hands. The produce gets dunked in mild clorox water and meat goes in the freezer.  We've learned where food really comes from.  Farmers, ranchers, produce plants, pickers, packers, trucks.

And even with all that, by being careful, I may still get it.  A virus isn't alive.  It just attaches inside your body and fouls up the works.  Be as careful as you can until we have a vaccine.  This is our new normal.  We have to adjust.  Like we did during WW2.  We can do it.  We're Americans.

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