Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Well, I did something I said I was going to do instead of procrastinating it until the last minute.  I cleaned out that closet.

There were boxes of fabric that, "I'm going to do something with someday."
I'm doing it.  It's going to the church sewing ministry.  There were a zillion pieces of fabric.  Three of those large plastic containers full.  The fabric will love its new home.  I used to sew everything we wore.  No more.

The ladies at my church sew for different ministries around Okla. City and Edmond.  When a ministry needs something, the ladies in the group sew whatever it is.  Quilts for babies, pillow cases for Boy's Town, etc.  Right now they are making masks.  They will put all that fabric to good use.

It is getting easier and easier to get rid of stuff.  I've never been a hoarder.  I always cleaned things out and gave them away when we moved.  I've moved 27 times.  I know how to move.

But the things I have kept now have due dates on them.  If I don't use or wear it within this year, they are history.  I'm tired of stuff I don't need or use.

There are two or three houses around here that when they have their garage doors open you can see why they don't put their cars in their garage.  It looks like a packed sardine can.  One rule I always had was that you can't put anything in the attic.  Things get lost forever up there.

If you don't need it, give it away.  Someone else does.

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