Thursday, May 28, 2020

Today, I think I am going to venture out.  I am tired of Eggos for breakfast every morning.  Chicken sandwiches for lunch every day, and something frozen and thawed out for supper every evening.

Italian food beckons.  Olive Garden salad with extra black olives.  

I did break down and start going to the drive through at Brahms to get a burger and fries every now and then.  We Americans have been trained from birth to need a burger and fries so that we can exist.  I hope they check their workers.  You have to eventually start trusting that restaurants are doing their due diligence.

There are so many problems out there that have nothing to do with catching a virus.  One of my lovely neighbors that brings dinner over to me on a regular basis is caring for her husband who is trying to get through chemo.

One of my sweet friends is trying to get a divorce finalized.  (His wife ran off with another man.)  And the courts have been closed for all civil cases.  He has been in limbo--it has been going on for over a year and now at a standstill.

Some are dealing with postponement of a surgical procedures they desperately need to continue a normal life.

All we want is normal.  Normal.  Whatever that is.  Whatever that was before all this began.  I wonder how many years it will take to get back there.

I hope we all appreciate normal when it finally arrives.

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