Monday, May 18, 2020

I lost the day last Friday somewhere--and didn't post.  It's hard to keep track of the days when one day is exactly like the one before.  I thought it was Saturday.  I always take the weekend off from writing.  Oh well...

Jon brought Brady and Tate over Sunday afternoon.  I hadn't seen any of them in months and months.  Brady had made me a 82'nd birthday card and glued 82 cents on it (His own money) for my present.  He is eight years old.  Tate is five.

Tate looks like Ken.  It is uncanny.  He has ice-blue eyes.  Jon said that nobody on Jennifer's side of the family has blue eyes--clear back to her great grandfather.  Jon's eyes are still in question as to color.  He had blueish eyes when he was small.  They changed to brown later.  Strange.

I had my connection group over to my house yesterday.  Six feet apart, masks.  It was far superior than teaching the lesson on Zoom.  I ran to the donut shop before we began and got a dozen donuts.  After the lesson was over and everyone left, eight donuts were left.  Tate ate five of those.  

He came out to the back yard where Jon and I were sitting in lawn chairs and said, "Grammy, there were two other donuts on the counter in the kitchen.  Did you know that?"  I told him that I did and was saving them for my breakfast.

"Are you sure you want both of them," he asked.  "I could eat one of them.  "What could a grandmother say.  I thought it was polite that he asked.  "No, I don't need both of them.  You can eat the other one."

I don't know how he kept from getting sick.  However, donuts are the perfect manna.  Fat, flour and sugar.  What more could a kid want?

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