Monday, May 4, 2020

I have talked to my brother every day for the last three weeks.  Writing about his life in fictional-fact form.  (Or factual-fiction?)  I haven't got much else done.  I've arrived at a point where I'm ready to talk about what his wife Janet did in China.  She spent two years there after college, before they got married.

She worked at the Baptist press in Hong Kong.  Her college major was art--and she applied her talents to redoing literature that had pictures of blond, blue eyed Americans.  Chinese, and many other Orientals usually have straight black hair, wear uniforms to school, use different utensils to eat--and a million other different characteristics that make up the pictures of the life of an Oriental.  

At that time, pictures in Christian publications had no representations of Asians.  She changed that.  I think that some of her art work is still used today.

One of the things about her--that I find fascinating--is that she was a strategy coordinator for much of the Baptist work in the South of  China.  Most evangelical main line churches in America would never have a woman in a position like that.   Bill did the medical end of the work in the Orient out of Macau and Hong Kong--sometimes consulting by computer--since many missionaries didn't have access to a local doctor.  He served not only Baptists but any other denomination that needed care.  

One of the things Baptists require, is that you must become fluent in the  language before they turn you loose to do anything else.  In their case, it took two years of language school.   Local Baptist churches donate to the convention and the convention funds a missionaries' salary.  They never have to worry about funding. They never have to come home and drum up financing.  It's a good system.  They don't have to interrupt their work.

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