Thursday, May 21, 2020

Today I woke up without an albatross around my neck.  No stress.  My copy of the book has gone to the senior editor for final read and publishing.  I'm done with it.  Done, done, done.  The feeling is euphoric.  They have been in no hurry to publicize it because book stores were closed.

The question is, what shall I do with this day?  There is nothing that I have to do.  It has been eighteen months since I have had a day like this.

I think I'll do a lot of nothing.

I just finished reading Matthew and Mark last night.  I've been re-reading them for the past few weeks--little at a time.  I'll start Luke tonight.  I like his gospel the best of the four of them.  He was a physician and didn't personally know Jesus.  He came to salvation later.

He went to the source when he wrote.  He interviewed Jesus' mother--so we have the story of Jesus' birth and the manger story.  The kings who visited and the shepherds.  Luke wanted to get the stories exactly right.

He was the only one of the four gospel writers that put the word "daily" in the verse, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."  Luke 9:23

As a physician, he wanted to get the prescription right.  Once you become a Christian, you do it every day for the rest of your life.  Daily.

I take my meds every day.  Once a week doesn't keep me healthy.

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