Wednesday, July 1, 2020

I have curls.  I dreaded the day the perm was on (yesterday) for three weeks--it's now over.  I now have hair that I can manage and do something with.  I've never had long hair.  Maybe I'll just grow it out and do what old women do.  Pull it up in a bun.  That's what both my grandmothers did. 

Today, I have nothing to do.  And as Ken always said, "I have nothing to do today, and am going to go to bed with it half done."

That was after 21 years in the USMC, two wars--Korea and Viet Nam--38 years teaching at a college.  I think he probably needed a few days of doing nothing.

Today the heat will be 110+ degrees.  Hottest day of the year--with August yet on the horizon.  Thank God for air-conditioning.  

In the forties and early fifties, we didn't have that.  We had water fans.  You put them in the window, filled the pan with water, or hooked a hose up to them and turned them on.

I remember pulling my bed up under the window (that had the fan) and just laying there in the heat of the day--trying to stay cool.

I don't like extremes.  Seventy-two degrees is my happy place.  I've lived in Pensacola, Florida...the coast of Virgina, the coast of South Carolina and the coast of California--four times.  (I've moved 27 times)  Those places are okay, but in Oklahoma, when you get 72 degrees, you know how to appreciate it.

The weather everywhere else is boring after awhile.  Oklahoma never has boring weather.  We have everything but glaciers.  

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