Friday, July 31, 2020

One of the things that people say lately is that we don't really have very many who actually die from Corona.  They say that none of the hospitals are correctly reporting deaths.  I am amazed at this one.  Try to get a group of ten people to agree on any issue.  You can't.  So who do people think is in charge of getting thousands upon thousands of hospitals to agree to cheat for some reason and report deaths wrong.  Who wants intelligent people to believe in this kind of conspiracy.  And why?  I don't get it.

If a person has a heart attack, diabetes, stroke, etc. in the hospital--but came into the hospital for were tested and had corona--then that's what they came in with.  Corona.  All of the rest of it is called underlying conditions.  They didn't come into the hospital to have a heart attack, or kidney failure or pneumonia, they came in and were tested and had corona were hospitalized and prematurely died due to underlying conditions.  You can't say a death is from corona if they didn't have it. That would be illegal and take a mega-conspiracy.

But some are saying that they didn't die of Corona.  I say they would still be alive if they hadn't got corona.  But it has become a political hot button.

Even as a scientist, if I agreed that 10%, 20% or even 50% weren't corona--there are so many deaths from corona that we still have a pandemic.  I don't get what is driving this kind of denial.  Why deny something that is killing people.  I see that yesterday we took the biggest hit economically in the history of the country.  Greater than the depression.  It's time we got in this fight together and follow the CDC guidelines.

Do I think that's going to happen.  No.  Better if we follow Jesus.  "Do unto others as you would that they do unto you."  Stop spreading this virus.

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