Tuesday, December 15, 2020

America is bankrupt.  We owe mega more trillions than we can repay.  I have always thought it was interesting how many people don't understand where money comes from.

You have to invent something, manufacture something, find something in the ground or air that produces something people need.  Once you have done that, you hire people to help you do it.  That is called a job.  A job.

And as you earn a wage helping someone who has come up with an idea to create something, you spend your money and someone else along the line earns the money you spend because they manufacture something and hire more people to help them.  The economy is stimulated.  Simplified, the GNP.  Gross National Product.

Problem is, when the government borrows money, it has to be repaid in some way, and the way you do that is take a part of the job earners wages.  That's a tax.  There are only two ways to get that money...tax the wage earner, or tax the corporations who have built the jobs.

There used to be a happy medium...that is no longer true.  Corporate headquarters aren't stupid.  They move offshore where they can't be taxed, which means more debt for the earners to pay--and poverty increases to the point that people don't have enough money left to buy food.  I am not a democrat; I am not a republican.  I am an American.  We need to get our act together.

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