Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 I asked my friend Carolyn why did she think that God didn't heal someone we had been praying for. 

She said, "He did.  He just took him home to do it."

That's the best answer I've ever gotten to that question.

My friend Carolyn is a Humanities, Drama and English whiz.  She taught junior high and high school English for over thirty-five years, and  produced and directed multiple dramatic stage productions.  Every year. With excellence.

Every time I get stuck when I am writing something, I can call her and say, "I need a word.  One that means..."  She always has the word I am looking for.  Right off the top of her head. 

Since I am a mathematician, science kind of creature, I tend to think sequentially.  If--then kind of logic.  She thinks in flowers and bouquets.  Together we make one total complete pair of thinkers.

We've been friends since I was in the ninth grade.  She was a year behind me.  Who knew that we would still be friends sixty-eight years later.  Somewhere in my youth or childhood...I must have done something good."  (Sound of music)

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