Monday, December 28, 2020

Did everyone go outside and watch the "Star of Bethlehem" on Monday night.  I took a photo with my phone, but it didn't come out well.  Oh, well, I'll take another one in a thousand years.

Jeanette's sister Shirley said, "Maybe the star means that Jesus is coming back.  I don't think I'm going to clean house!"  She thought she might be leaving the house on her way to glory.  Why clean when you are vacating.

I'm ready for Him to come.  The world is a mess.  You wouldn't know how big a mess it is unless you have lived during the perfect time of the world.  

That would be the 1950's in America.  Nobody used curse words--at least in a group--I didn't even know what the curse words were.  You could walk home from school by yourself, and if you were late, nobody worried about where you were.

If you talked on the phone, you sometimes had to talk to an operator first to verify that it was you who actually was speaking.  We had party lines, so if it rang once, twice, or three times you would know who it was for.

Everyone listened in.  You weren't supposed to, but who could resist hearing the latest gossip. 

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