Wednesday, December 30, 2020

I did something last night that I have never done before.  I made bread from scratch using a starter.  The starter was foaming, bubbling and just right.  I got it from a friend (Donna) who stayed here with her husband and children for a week last month when her father was ill. They came to help their mom who lives across the street.

Making bread was a momentous event, because I do not like to get my hands dirty and will avoid anything that might get under my fingernails.  Wet dough gets under your nails and is like glue.  But I persevered.

I got through the first stage of kneading fairly easily by using a dough hook on the Kitchen Aid mixer.  Dumped it in a greased wooden bowl to rise.

But this morning, I had to hand knead it and I am definitely an amateur. I had sticky dough everywhere.  I am going to have to revise this step or I will never attempt making bread again.  There has to be a knack to it.

Two loaves are rising in the oven.  Donna said that if you put the dough in the oven with the light on, the light generates just enough warmth to help the bread rise.  By noon, I will have fresh baked bread.

I am an official Oklahoma pioneer woman.  Bout time?

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