Tuesday, December 22, 2020

 Becky and six friends get together every Christmas week and make cookies.  

Actually, everyone makes two or three kinds of cookies and they go to Becky's and arrange twenty or a zillion plates of assorted cookies to take to friends and family and tie a bow around the see-through wrappers.

I got a plate.  Which I can never possibly eat all of them.  It allows me to assort them on three or four smaller plates and take them to my neighbors.  My neighbors think I am a wonderful cookie cook.

I take the praise for a minute or two and then confess.  I'm too honest to let it go on for long.

Becky also has a Valentine Party every year (except this year she didn't because of the virus.)  She bakes six or seven cheese cakes, six or seven fabulous cakes, pies, candied bacon, brisket, etc. etc.  and on and on.  It is over the top.  I hope she does it again this year and we are all done with covid and have our vaccine.

Pat always has a Christmas brunch.  But not this year.  Everything is not exactly right this year.  I'm ready for 2021.  God bless next year please.

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