Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sunday, I will begin to teach the book of Luke.  I have no idea how many times I've done that, but you learn something new every time you open the word of God--you are at a new stage of life, and you read words that you know those words weren't in there the last time you read it!!!

I am also reading a book by an author that only uses the Hebrew words for the people in Luke.  It is difficult.  If I didn't know what they meant, I'd give up.  I'm sure he must be a Christian Jew because of the emphasis he puts on the Jewish feasts and the time line between them.

Much of those feasts were, and are, based on the cycles of the moon.  Through those feast days, he plots a time line of Jesus' ministry.  And it is much more science based than the theological time line.  He puts Nasa's millionth of a second time base to use in counting the days between events.  It is more exact and shortens the time of his ministry.

I'm thinking about that.

When you study in preparation to teach,  you always end up with more in your head than you can deliver in an hour.  But that's ok.  

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