Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I lost a crown Saturday.  I took it in to my dentist yesterday, to have it glued back on.  No such luck.  They sent me to an endodontist--who got me in immediately, (that never happens--usually you wait months).  By the time I left, I glowed like an alien from another planet.  They took one zillion X-rays.

The hard part of X-rays is, "Hold still."

Today, they are going to try and save my tooth.  Hallelujah.  The crown was put on back in the military when I was 26 years old.  Fifty-six years ago. So that's a record.  The dentist who put it on said, "Let me know how long this lasts."  I would, but I'm sure he's probably not with us here on earth anymore.  I actually remember his name.

The dentist wanted to know what kind of anesthetic I wanted.  "None, just novocain." I told her.  My first fillings were in the old days (of torture) in the 40's.  Dull drills.  Slow drills.  Painful drills with no novocain.  And a dentist that kept saying, "Hold still."  Those are awful words.

How much is a tooth worth?  I'm going to find out.  At my age, it's worth a lot.  Much more than a new car.  When I walked into the endodontist's treatment room, I could estimate her equipment was in the zillions.  State of the art.  So you know she is paying off loans on it all.  Oh, well.  I'm glad she is there when I need her.  It took her years and years to get that degree.

All to save a tooth.  Thing's my tooth.

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