Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Over a thousand dollars later, (half of what the big companies want) all the dead limbs that broke in my two humongous oak trees have been removed.  Watching my tree guy climb a four story tree was breath-taking.  He tied himself to secure branches as he climbed, then used a chain saw, bracing his feet to limbs as he pulled the cord to start the saw--it scared me to watch.  It took two weeks to get it done, and he had a helper.

You don't know what a tree is worth until you are about to lose one.  In this case, I wouldn't want to lose the trees!!  You can't replace trees like these. My oaks are the oldest, tallest, biggest on the block--or in the entire neighborhood.  It gives you a real sense of what the tiny acorn--less than a half inch in diameter--can do.  With the help of God.

The assistant raked the yard and filled over two wheelbarrows full of acorns.  The street, driveway, and sidewalk to the front door were covered with them.  You couldn't take a step without crushing dozens upon dozens of them.  This was an epic ice storm.  I never have seen anything like it.

I'm think I'm ready for tornado season.


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