Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 I'm glad the election is finally over.  At least I thought it was over.  I am tired of the ranting on both sides.  Everybody wants to convert you--by telling you what is wrong with your thinking.  So far, all I've heard is what is wrong with the "Other" side.  Not what is right with their side.

When I want to listen to rational Republican theories, I call Larry Larmon.  When I want to listen to rational Democrat theories, I listen to Bob Webster.  They can intelligently discuss issues.  Berate others and denigrate people--well, I stop listening.

There isn't much discussion of issues anymore.  People just attack people.  Belittle their beliefs and call them names.  I find that distressing.  The media on both sides spout propaganda.  Exaggerations and falsehoods.

If you tell the same lie over and over again, people begin to believe it.

I am two things.  A Christian, and an American.  That's it.  I come from a time when Americans were united for the common good.  WWII.  Political wrangling didn't exist.  You didn't spout, you simply voted.

I'm ready for Jesus to come back, set up his kingdom and rule.  I don't think the world knows how to do it peacefully.  They just divide up sides and make fun of each other, or riot, or start wars.  It's sad.

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