Tuesday, December 29, 2020

I have given up on my publisher.  She wanted my book.  She bought my book.  She spent a bunch of money and enormous amounts of time on my book.  But she won't publish it...because I am not able to sit in bookstores and sign books due to Covid. 

It costs a tremendous amount of money to advertise books and they don't want to spend money until the time is right...I understand.  But it has driven me nuts working with a publishing company.  I'm ready to get the vaccine!!! And get into the bookstores.

As a result, I have had time to finish another book, edit it a zillion times and print it myself.  (Not self publish--I'm not going to self publish.)  I went to UPS and had them print ten copies and bind them.  One for each of my kids (The book is a fictional-factual rendition of Ken's Korean and Marine life from the time he was seventeen until he was twenty-five.)

The other six are going to Jeanette and Carolyn--who both held my hand, listened to me read portions over and over again and tolerated my mood swings, and Joe Mike Bacon--who taught me how to fly an OE, F-9, SNJ and the Corsair over the phone. The rest to editors and publishers.  

I was euphoric to see something in print.  Now I will now finish the book about my grandmother coming in a wagon from Tennessee to Arkansas, and the one about my brother's 37 years in China. 

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