Monday, November 15, 2021

 Abraham is a study in human behavior.  He packs his family up and leaves his home in Ur.  However, God says for him to leave his family behind.  But Abraham allows Lot and his people to come with him.  He obeyed, but disobeyed in the process.

Then there is a famine and Abraham takes everyone to Egypt--and lies to Pharaoh--telling him that Sarah is his sister.  So Pharaoh takes Sarah for his wife.  And plagues beset all of Egypt, punishment for all the innocent people for something that was Abraham’s fault.  Pharaoh didn’t know he was doing something wrong.  Neither did the people.

Then, since God was slow in fulfilling his promise to Abraham that Sarah would have his child, he takes Sarah’s maid Hagar--at Sarah’s suggestion--and impregnates her.  Producing Ishmael--the father of the Arab nations.  Another problem--for all of us today.  All from disobedience.  Putting the Ishmaelites--Arabs--against the Jews forever.

Flawed people.  But God loved them.  It gives us hope.  We too, are flawed.  And God continues to love us.  

It is a good thing because we don’t seem to fulfill what He has in mind for us.  But we need to continue our journey toward obedience to God.  It is by far the best path.  And comes with his blessing.

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