Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Lisa, my sister, got back from a week in Italy (her daughter lives there while her husband is stationed with the military) and found out that her dog--a small schnauzer--was missing.  They live in an area with coyotes and such types of wild animals.  Of course she is heart broken.  It doesn’t look good.  

Squig hasn’t felt well today.  He is shaking all over.  We will go to the vet tomorrow to see what is going on.  Carolyn’s (Pryor friend) dog Pablo has been sick as well. He has Pancreatitus. (That is spelled wrong?) She lives alone also.  Pablo is her world. 

I spend more on Squig than I do on myself.  After your children are grown, your dog becomes your best friend.

I have been reading Genesis, the 12th chapter on, about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Joseph and his brothers--and all of the others.  I don’t know when I read it last.  It’s been a while.  They were people like us.  Flawed.  The Bible shows people as they are--good and bad. 

God keeps loving them.  It gives us hope.

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