Friday, November 26, 2021

I have never understood Black Friday.  It is insane--like fish swarming to a spawning area.  What could I possibly need bad enough to get out there and get run down by a mob.  I don’t get it.  Just to save money on something I probably don’t need anyway??  But I know some people love it.  I must be a mutant.

My friend Sue Rucker just got the Texas constitution changed.  That is a huge--HUGE--accomplishment.  Her husband Fred had a stroke in 2020, had to be placed in a care facility, and the government said she couldn’t go in and be with him.  Yes, that’s what I said--the Government.  Same as the Nazi’s did when they separated families to go to their deaths.

Fred was there a year.  Sue could only put her hand on a window to see him and talk on their phones. There was no loving comfort for the suffering Fred endured.  For a year, he lay there.  The unvaccinated attendants could go in, the plumber, repairmen, but not Sue.  Fred died after a year and a half--without any family by his side.  And this happened over and over again all over America.  Families were separated from their “Incarcerated” loved ones by government edict.  It will never happen again in Texas.  Sue joined with forty others, got enough signatures on a petition, and passed not only a law, but a constitutional rewrite.  It will never happen again in Texas.  It should never happen again in America anywhere.  Write your congressman.

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