Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Well, I got my booster today.  Haven’t had a reaction to any of it.  First one last January. Second in February.  Doin’ what I can to put the book of Proverbs to work.  “Get wisdom, and with your getting, get understanding.”  Having a pre-med degree helps understand it and make a choice....  

My brother, Dr. Swan, said “Get the shot.”  He’s smart as a whip; he saved my life when I was 34 years old.  Seven different doctors told me that what I was telling them was all in my head. There was nothing wrong with me.  Bill listened.  I had a tumor in my heart that was killing me.  Couldn’t get oxygen to the old noggin.  Nobody had ever had that before.  I was a world first recorded case.   I trust my brother.

I had measles before the measles shot was available and almost died.  I was three years old, and I remember the room, the house, and the quilts my mom hung to block out the light so the light wouldn’t hurt my eyes.  If a shot kills me, so be it.  But with a year behind me with no after-effects, I’m good.  I remember polio...we didn’t wait to see how that one was going to turn out either.  One of my classmates was permanently crippled.   Now, polio is eradicated in America. 

So get the shot---or don’t get the shot.  I’m just telling you what I did.  I have never been one of those people who say, “It’s in the hands of God.”  If that was true , he wouldn’t have given us so many Biblical instructions in the book of Proverbs to help us make choices.  I call Proverbs “The book of buts.”  If you do this, this will happen BUT, if you do that, that is what will happen.  Verse after verse with a “but” in the middle.  Wisdom book.


1 comment:

  1. When eugenicist billionaires offer a free product (covid shots) you may want to be skeptical. But that's my wisdom. Do I really need to explain?
