Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My perm didn’t take.   Straight as a string this morning.  Hairdresser said to come in at three and she would see what was going on.  Bummer.

I got to hold my new great-grandson last night for thirty minutes.  He is the prettiest baby.  Doesn’t look like a new-born at all.  Calm, doesn’t seem to be bothered by noise.  Why didn’t I have babies like that?

Craig said there was legislation going on to promote diversity in the Marine Corps.  The Corps has always been diverse--when you join.  Then they use boot camp to make you stop thinking as an individual and think as a group.  A Marine will die for the Marine next to them.  They are a true band of brothers.  Count on our government to mess up something that works. Ken said that nobody fights for their country (it sounds patriotic) when the attack begins, they fight for the guy next to them.

Ken’s bunk mate at flight school was Frank Peterson.   First black man to go to flight school after WW2.  They flew together and remained friends for life.  Scott called Frank, told him he was Ken’s son and got Frank to come to Bartlesville to speak.  Frank was the first black aviator to make General in the USMC.  He went to flight school in the early fifties--followed by many others. And held in high esteem by all.  Marines are Marines.  They don’t care if you are polka-dotted as long as you are in the trench or air beside them.  But count on our government to mess up something they need to leave alone.  We have many races in the Marines who are Generals now.  Let them lead.  They know how to do it and it isn’t by listening to one individual who thinks he is being picked on. He needs to be sent back to boot camp. 

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