Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Spent the morning at the hairdressers getting a cut and perm.  I no longer look like a shaggy dog.  Jennifer (Becky’s sons wife) is going to bring the baby over for me to hold. They named him Ken Jack Johnston.  What a tribute to Ken Jacks. 

Jeannine brought me brown beans.  Becky and Craig brought me enchiladas and something I don’t know what it is but it looks good and smells delicious.  I have enough food to get me through the week.  Thank God for people who help people like me--who need a little of their help.  

Pat told me I was living on junk food, which is true except when people have mercy on me.  Pat also said she wasn’t going to get on my case because I am a grown woman and know better.  That’s good.  I go to Kentucky Fried and eat a thigh and leg once a week.  And Brahms hamburgers once a week.  I like their hamburgers because they put extra lettuce and tomatoes on for me.  No cheese.  Ever.  All the burger places use American cheese instead of the real stuff.  It tastes like melted glue.

I wrote about Abraham yesterday.  You would think by the time he had a child by Sarah’s maid he would have figured out that God’s plan was better than his or Sarah’s.  But no.  They moved again and he told the ruler of the next place they went  that Sarah was his sister.  He keeps repeating things that didn’t work the last time he did them.  Doing the same thing expecting a different outcome.  And God keeps loving him and trying to give him direction.

Abraham is going to get it right in the end.  It just takes him a little bit of time to get there.  Sounds like someone I know.  Sounds like a lot of people I know.  Sounds like me, too.

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