Thursday, November 11, 2021

I went to a veteran’s celebration at my church for lunch.  When they asked Marines to stand, I stood up for Ken.  He deserves to be remembered even though he has gone to guard the skies of heaven.  Probably buzzing the gates in an A-4 or an F-9.

I finally returned to see the back pain guy.  He brought my back film up for me to look at, and told me it wasn’t good.  I looked at the film--and since I’ve dissected and taken anatomy classes--I realized that what I’ve got is what I’ve got.  It isn’t pretty.  So.  That’s that.  Surgery won’t help.  Bones are old and worn out, crooked and a mess.  Solution to the problem:  Don’t get old.  It helps to know--because I can quit looking for a cure and start living with what I’ve got to live with.  I’ll figure that out. 

My son Scott tore up his knee and shoulder playing baseball.  He hurts all the time.  If he can do it, I can too. And Scott and Ken are the two toughest people I’ve ever known.

God is good.  He never gives us more that we can manage.  It really makes the idea of getting a new body when we get to heaven an attractive concept.  And when we get our heavenly body, it worn’t wear out.  Just think!!! Eternity with no war, no sinful people, no people who lie to you, no sickness, no pain. There was an old song that said, “There’s a great day comin’ bye and bye!”  And bye and bye is getting closer and closer.

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