Monday, November 29, 2021

 Pat took me for coffee and sweet rolls this morning and we were talking about the things that members of our family have done.  I told her that I missed playing my marimba.  The pandemic shut that down.

I have two marimbas.  I keep one broken down in the trunk of my car ready to go.  Another is in the family room and I play it every time I get up and let the dog out the back door.  I used to play all the time.  She said that I played for her wedding!  I had forgotten that.  She said she asked me to play “Bless This House.”  That was an appropriate choice!

I played “When They Ring those Golden Bells” for Ken’s father’s funeral.  And “Amazing Grace” for at least a dozen others.  Used to play for Rotary Club, Methodist men’s meetings, etc. at least once a month.  I’ve been doing that for since I was fifteen.

My hands aren’t as nimble as they used to be.  I remember playing “Flight of the Bumble Bee” for some civic group once.  Two mallets--which is harder than playing with four.  You are all over the keyboard with two.

Now, I do hymns.  Three or four mallets.  Slow.  For some reason, God has spared my hands and fingers from arthritis.  I am thankful.  I can still do something useful with my hands.  Play the marimba and type.  Praise God.  It is good to be able to do something that other people like.

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