Tuesday, November 23, 2021

I actually accomplished something yesterday.  You know those funny things that are in Reader’s Digest...I thought why not send one in.  So I did.  This is what I wrote:

When I was teaching my granddaughter her address, I asked her what town she lived in.  She said, "Miami.”  Then I asked her what town I lived in and she said, “Grammies ami.”  The slow of wit won’t get it probably, but I thought it was funny.

After I stopped laughing, I asked her where her mother lived, and as expected by that point she said, “Mommies ami.”

I have no idea what she thought an ami was.

Pat is on her way to get me to go get a sweet roll and coffee.  My car is in the shop.  I gave my other car away to my grandson and now I need it.  However Craig brought me one of theirs.  I just don’t want to drive it because all the switches and buttons are in the wrong place.  It would take me fifteen minutes to get it out of the driveway.

I got all of the dressing ingredients cooked.  Now all I have to do is put them together.  Ken always tasted it at that point to tell me if I had the right amount of spices.  Now, it’s a toss up.

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