Friday, November 12, 2021

It’s Friday again!!  I don’t know where the week goes.  Ann will come get me, we will go to breakfast, then to garage sales, I’ll get my hair done and it will be noon before I get to do my crossword.

Craig, Becky’s husband told me that there is a new publisher who has opened in Edmond.  I’m chasing rainbows at this point trying to find a publisher that will take the second book I’ve written.  Pat tells me that it was an act of God to get a publisher on my first try.

I’m not giving up.   The story of Ken’s time in Korea is worth printing, and the story of my brother’s time in China is just as important.

I’m just an observer.  There are people who did things that were heroic, and people who write about what they did.  Neither of those two men would have ever thought of writing their stories.  I’m just the writer who knows what they did.  

I could self-publish, but then you don’t get the advertising, and most important the libraries.  But it may come to that. The money is negligible unless it is a big hit.  Self publishing--you pay them.  Traditional publishing--they buy the book.  That’s what happened to my first book.  They bought it.  I guess is was a miracle for a first timer.

Thanksgiving is coming.  I said I would never make dressing again, but I am repenting and going to do it again.  Chopping celery, onions, making cornbread.  I can do it ahead of time and bake it on Thanksgiving day.

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