Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It is Wednesday again.  Bean day for the Kerleys that used to live next door.  They are a mile or so away now, but we still do “Bean day.”  I usually make the cornbread and greens and she does the beans and fried okra.  It is such a help for people like me who live alone--when someone helps with dinner.  Red beans, white beans, brown beans or lima beans. Take a plate to someone who lives alone.  It means a lot.

Jennifer, my granddaughter-in-law across the street who bought the house I used to live in, texted that the baby will be here Friday if he doesn’t come sooner.  That will make eight great-grand babies for me.  I can’t remember everyone’s birthday there are so many.  Ten grand children as well as children and all their spouses as well.

Like I said, a bunch of people that I didn’t know when I married Ken sixty five years ago.

I can't believe it is November.  These last two years have evaporated.  I hope we never see another one like 2020.  What an awful experience.  And some of the people I used to see at church never came back.  Broken habits are hard to renew.  I’m teaching my class and going to church again, and going to Wednesday night teacher’s meetings, but that’s it.  I seldom see anyone else that goes to my church.  Being single is very single!! 

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