Maybe, just maybe, I’ve found something to kill the drain flies. Raid. I emptied half a can down the drain last night, and this morning there weren’t any. After a week of this, I hope so.
If you get a fruit fly infestation in a drain, don’t waste your money on Clorox, vinegar, borax, soda, or boiling water. Start with Raid. Or don’t buy bananas. I never heard of anyone getting these before. I’ve didn’t know this possibility existed.
Becky Bacon is here to see the Dean McGee eye doctor. She’s going to stay through tomorrow. It is so wonderful to have her here. Jeaninne came over last night to talk about the drug Eliquis, and the fact it was so expensive ($500 a month) that she was going to quit taking it. Becky (RN genius) said “No! You mustn’t do that. You need to Google the national medical reports on that subject.”
“Who wrote the national report,” Jeanine asked? “I was the co-author,” Becky told her.
Becky is so unassuming that you would never know she was a genius. She is smarter than any doctor I know. The telling point however is that Squig adores her. Squig has excellent taste.