Friday, March 18, 2022

My brother is not well.  And him being a doctor makes it worse because he has to trust another doctor and he knows all of the things that can go wrong.  Doctors are people, and medicine is a “practice.”   Not an exact science.  

Bill is an excellent doctor.  He spent most of his life diagnosing what was wrong with people in places where there were no solutions to their problems.  No hospitals, medicines, no medical equipment, no laboratories and no one to consult.  All he had was what he could get in a black bag that he carried with him.

He was a missionary to China for 37 years before China opened their doors.  Undercover.  A doctor was what they wanted, not a missionary.  He used medicine to get in the door and set up an arrangement with Bowman Gray hospital to get their doctors in.  China didn’t even have anesthetics in the early seventies.  They wanted what America had, but didn’t want to lose “face” by admitting it.

He got equipment in, doctors who knew how to use the equipment and changed the face of medicine in China, Tibet, Laos, Viet Nam, Mongolia, and every other mid eastern country.  And shared the story of Christ where he could.  He set up continuing clinics with rotating American doctors and trained Christian teachers and doctors and nurses to work undercover and not get caught.  Some made it.  Some didn’t.  Pray for my brother’s recovery.  

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