Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Some time ago, a woman told me that her son had suffered for years with a terminal disease, lost his eyesight, suffered constantly and finally took his own life.   He had been an exemplar Christian, Jesus had saved him and he had witnessed for Christ all of his life.  She was troubled at the number of people who told her that her son wouldn’t go to heaven. 

Balderdash!! I told her the story of a man who killed himself and hundreds of others--and how God blessed his last request.  He asked God to restore his strength so that he could bring down a structure on top of him--and everyone else who was there.  That was Sampson.  He not only killed himself and dozens of others, God gave him the strength to do it.

Does that mean we advocate for taking your own life?  Of course not.  But don’t judge what God will do based on what sins you commit.  Jesus died for all of it.   

I don’t know why God blessed Samson’s prayer for strength for what he was about to do.  All I know is that Samson was God’s child.  Before, during, and after.  

God doesn’t let go of us.  Once we belong to him, we are his forever.  I think we should stay out of the business of judging other people.  That’s God’s job.

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