Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Monday came and went--and I went with it.  I had stored up a zillion chores to do during the ice.  I got my taxes mailed in.  That was number one.  Squig had missed his haircut because I couldn’t get out of the garage to take him there.  Ice doesn’t melt like snow.  It packs down.

The car needed gas.  I was out of cheese and tomatoes...etc, etc.  I was stuck in the house for six days in a row.

And when I don’t do things in the right order, they get forgotten.  I forgot to blog.  I couldn’t have done it anyway because my charging cord was cut and the curser was skipping around.

Today is a new day.  “This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  Craig brought me a new charging cord.  He is stellar.   

I only have one appointment today.  I’m going to get myself back together.

My publisher has been communicating with me.  Which is encouraging.  It means someone out there hasn’t forgotten they are supposed to get a book out!  I called another publisher and they said, “Send us $3,500 and we will see what we can do.”  At least my publisher is paying me instead of the other way around.  Self publishing is expensive and I don’t have the patience to deal with it.  The whole experience has been daunting. 

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