Monday, March 28, 2022

I have six or seven things to do today.  I’m aiming to get two of them done.  Then I will reevaluate.   

My publisher called me Saturday.  Paper prices have gone through the roof, the pandemic closed most book stores, and people stayed home and read books on Kindle.  She had gone to the Oklahoma publisher’s convention and was the only publisher there.  Nationally, the five largest publishers have gone belly up except for one, and the Germans bought that one out.

All that to say...she is not giving up.  My librarian daughter Pat keeps telling me that it is a miracle that she is still in business.  Pat says that every publisher in Oklahoma is hurting.

The publisher said, “I believe in this book.  There aren’t any books out there like it...books about what children of went through when the Viet Nam war was going on and their fathers and moms went to war.  And Americans spit on them when they returned.”

All I can say is, “Get it published.  Do whatever you have to do to get there.”

I hope I’m still here to see it.

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