Wednesday, March 16, 2022

No, I haven’t quit posting.  I’ve been falling apart over my computer.  I hit one wrong key and the world came to an end.  I’ve had to drive to Luther to the library two days in a row for Pat and the library IT guy to help me.  Maybe I can get it all rectified this week.  The good thing is---Pat and I go eat while I’m there.

I saw in the newspaper this morning that they are going to stop the crazy time changes and leave the time alone--at the federal level!!!  Hallelujah.  No more springing forward and falling back.  I am very thankful.  I have to go on line to set my watch every spring and fall.  

It drives me nuts because I’m not a tech person and hate to follow directions.  You have to read a bunch of stuff first that doesn’t make a hill of beans before they tell you what you want to know.

Squig will be 14 years old next week.  He sleeps most of the time now.  I don’t know how much longer he has, but it is going to be so sad to lose him.  We are going to take a walk around the block today.  It takes longer now to walk that far--for both of us.  Carolyn and her dog Pablo are in the same boat as Squig and me.

It’s time to plant tomatoes and parsley.  No more green peppers, but will try okra again.  If I can keep the rabbits out of it.  Get your gardening gloves out...

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