Wednesday, March 30, 2022

For the first time in my life, I am fighting a bug infestation.  I thought I had seen it all with the military housing, rentals, etc. as we moved from coast to coast.  

The military is supposed to give you housing, but they never do.  You get to station, and there is nothing open and available.  You send your stuff to storage, rent a motel and wait until someone in your squadron moves out.  You have to grab the house before it hits the market--so you are the one who cleans it up before you move in.  Bugs and all.  In all those years, we only got base housing twice.  And one of those houses was two bed, one bath for us and three kids.  We took the mattress off the second bed for Scott to sleep on the floor and the girls got the base of the bed.

But bugs...this is a new one for me.  They are in my brand new spick and span bathroom tub drain.  I haven’t had a single bug since I left the military.  And these are so tiny you can barely see them.  I thought it was dust specks until I saw one move.  They are coming out of the drain and nobody knows how they got there.  I poured a bottle of Clorox down the drain.  They loved it.  Borax--same thing...a bottle of vinegar--they ate it up.  Raid, no problem.  Then I started pouring gallons and gallons of boiling water down the drain.  Nothing kills them.  They are smaller than the tip of a pin.  Teeny.  I now know that they must have come in on bananas.  They are fruit flys.  How they got into the tub drain I’ll never know.  They aren’t anywhere else.  The exterminator wants $300 with no guarantee.  Jeanette is ordering me a jug of something from gets here tomorrow.  I wouldn’t wish this on anybody.  I bet I end up spending $$$$.   

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