Thursday, March 3, 2022

There is no “White Out” liquid anywhere.  Even Amazon can’t get it.  So...I bought the roll-on white tape, and at first try, all the white crumbled like chalk.  I bet it had been sitting on Office Depot’s shelf for a zillion years.

I can’t do my puzzles without the liquid stuff, because I use a pen and not a pencil.  Ken always said that you should use a I always did.  I finally asked him why (?) and he said it makes you more exact in what you do.  You will make fewer mistakes.    

As a result, I seldom need white out, but when I do, I want the liquid.  Using a roll on over a little square in the newspaper is impossible.

My friend Jeanette told me that Amazon has a liquid substitute--she ordered it for me and it will be here Monday.  That means I can’t make any mistakes on paper between now and then.

I need to apply all of that to life. (Be more exact)  Like trying to do two things at once.  I’ve broken two Corning ware dishes lately trying to double up.  And cleaning up broken glass is awful.  Keeping Squig out of it while I clean it up is daunting.  The bending over is also awful.  And if I get down to do it, I can’t get up.  The tile kills my knees.  In other words, don’t depend on an eraser when you make a mistake.  Make fewer mistakes by taking a moment to think out what you are doing. 

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