Friday, March 11, 2022

   A couple of days ago, I said we could car pool--heaven forbid--and carry more than one person in a car.  Well, the next day as I was driving home from the store...there was a half mile row of cars, I counted over 53, lined up waiting to pick up their kids at school in the right hand turn lane which went all the way back to the light and curved back down the last street.

I didn’t see any car with two people in it.  Sitting there, burning gas,  waiting until school was out.  We are going to have to stop doing things like that as gas goes through the roof.  Probably not in Edmond--which has the highest income rate in  Oklahoma.  Suburb of OK City. It’s going to hurt those who don’t make enough to live on.  Half of the USA most probably.  Who right now can’t afford a home.

Rent, food, gas, supply line broken, truck drivers quitting because they get no money waiting on a ship to unload--they have to just sit and wait.  I have a dear friend the age of my children who drives--a million mile driver.  They get paid when they are loaded, moving, and delivering. The pandemic killed our ability to function.  Now Russia is going to cause a war and finish it off.  We can always get oil from Venezuela--but it is dirty oil and has to be cleaned--which costs more to clean.  We are in a mess right now and looking for someone to blame.  Covid is the culprit and now that it is slowing down, we want “Control Z” on our computer  to get back to where we were. That isn’t going to happen. 

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