Thursday, March 24, 2022

Yesterday, two lovely young men came to do my carpets.  They went the extra mile, removed some odd rust spots where something metal sat on the floor when I was moving in (the spots had been there four years.)  

They scrubbed a place where I had spilled grape juice, tried for over an hour to get the places Squig had messed up and then deodorized everything--and also cleaned three rooms of carpet.

I had them sit for a moment in the kitchen to eat chocolate brownies and drink Dr. Pepper.  Tipped them and sent them on their way.

I heard one of them say to the other one as they were leaving, “I wish all our customers were nice like that.”  And I was thinking, “I wish all the people who come to help me were nice like that.”

How much does nice cost anyway.  They worked hard.  I appreciated them.  They appreciated my attitude even though they couldn’t get Squigg’s “outhouse” perfectly clean.

I played Amazing Grace for them on the marimba.  That’s what life is all about.  Giving each other some grace.


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