Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Becky Bacon called to reserve “my hotel rooms” for the last of March--for three days.  I’m excited.  She is my friend that comes to visit and “not talk.”  That is so wonderful.  She sits on the sofa.  I sit in my chair--and occasionally one of us will say something.  

But for the most part we just read each other’s minds.  Friends like that are worth more than gold.  You know them.  They know you.  You’ve already said it all, agree on everything, and can just enjoy the “peace” of each other.  I can’t wait.

I think I am not going to facebook again.  I tapped on something and lost everything to a security block. I never tap on anything, but this time I did.  It took four hours on Apple assist just get it back up again.  And today, I drove to Luther to the library so Pat could retrieve the books I’ve written.  I have to get a back up hard drive.  It’s all in the cloud, but....where is the cloud.  I’m still not back where I was three days ago.

I went to Walgreens, and when I got in the car, I spilled a glass of water all over the things I had bought.  Squig licked most of it up, but luckily everything was in packages and nothing was ruined. All in all it hasn’t been a successful two days.  I’m going to start all over again tomorrow and see if I can’t do better.  I don’t know if I can post.  I don’t even know if this one will get “out there.”

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