Monday, March 7, 2022

I sent a donation to St. Jude, Wounded Warriors and a few other charities in December, and now, every charitable organization in America has my name and address.  I’m sure charities make money for their cause by selling lists of their donators.

The waste of stamps and paper is unbelievable.  And if this year is like last year, I’ll get mail from everyone of them for twelve months--even though I always do donations in December, and have been doing that for over twenty years.  You would think they would get it.  No.  Kill a tree to make paper.  Sending paper requests that I don’t even open until December. 

With the price of gas rising, maybe people will start car-pooling again.  During WWII, if you didn’t have at least five people in the car with you, something was wrong.  Everybody pooled.

Every day at 3:30, the street next to me is blocked for a mile by moms coming to the school to pick up their kids.  One mom, one kid, one car.  All cars idling and burning gas.  I don’t remember anyone ever--ever--picking up anyone at school when I grew up.  We walked.

Times have changed.  I doubt there is a family in America with a car pool to pick up the kids on their block.  Maybe when gas hits ten dollars a gallon it will be something to think about.  Today’s families probably haven’t ever had a car pool for anything.  Everyone has their own car.... 

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