Friday, May 6, 2022

Chrissy Phillips...I sent the booklet on Genesis to Scott.  You are free to get it from him.  Glad to share...I will send it to anyone who sends me an email address.  I am glad you enjoy reading what I write.  I just need a little bit of encouragement to keep it up!!!  I hope I can meet you some day. 

And thank you for your kind words on Squig’s behalf.  He is somewhat better on the meds the Vet gave him.  But he has quit eating, so I am fixing him chicken breast and rice until he settles down.

Sally Casey asked for the book I wrote on my brother.  She is so fired up about it that she is on the phone helping me look for a publisher.  She cut my brother’s hair every time he and Janet came home from China, so she knows him well.  It’s hard to get an Okie’ haircut in China.

I am going to go get some high calorie fried chicken this evening.  I don’t  seem to gain weight no matter what I eat.  Which is good.  My friends say I worry the calories off.  They say I take everyone’s problems on myself--and feel like I have to solve them.  True.  I seem to feel like I should be able to help in some way---when it is obvious to everyone else that I can’t.  I turn problems over to God and when I finish praying, I take them back.  I need to work on this.

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