Wednesday, May 25, 2022

 Today, Squig and I made a compromise.  He understands the problem I have with getting gooey canned dog food on my fingers and hands.  So....I cooked chicken breasts, ground them up and sprinkled chicken on his dry dog food.  Ta-da...He ate it.  Out of his bowl!!!  First time in two weeks.

He wet the bed night before last.  He had never done that before.  I didn’t have time to deal with it because I had to go to the beauty shop and get a permanent.  While I was gone, the ladies came to clean the house, stripped the bed and left it to dry out.  Luckily when I bought the new mattress two years ago, I got the top of the line waterproof pad--so the mattress didn’t get wet.

By the time I got home, they had washed and dried the pad and had the sheets in the washer.  I was so thankful for that!  I figured I would have to deal with all of it when I got home.

My sweet grandson David came over with baby “Ken Jack” in his arms and I held the baby while David put the pad and sheets back on the bed.  I can’t do that anymore.  Not enough strength to pull the corners of the sheet under the mattress. 

Ken Jack giggled and laughed at me the entire time.  There is nothing like a baby on your knee to brighten your day.  He is cutting his first tooth and loved biting on my knuckle.    


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