Monday, May 9, 2022

Organized religions are in conflict with each other over details.  All of them are slightly different from each other.  They emphasize different things.  Binding you to the organization.  And of course, the Bible has much to say about this: “Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together as the manner of some is...”  We need to gather together as Christians.  

We get  things from the organization.  Fellowship.  And information.  Group worship of our creator.  But in the information department, there is danger.  Remember Jones and the Koolade?  Sometimes your organized church denomination gives you wrong information.

That is where the Bible comes in.  We should never, never put our trust in a church, a pastor, a priest, or TV personality.  Our faith must be in the words of the ones who knew Jesus.  They wrote it down.  Their words are the ultimate truth, not an organization.  A “Church” doesn’t hold the truth.  The Bible holds the truth.  Religion just picked up on what the disciples said and added stuff.  Much stuff that isn’t even true.  Rituals.  

Paul came to Jerusalem and found that James wanted new Christians to become Jews before they would be accepted.  And finally narrowed his demands down to three or four requirements.  I wouldn’t have been accepted because I like my steak rare.  Read your Bible if you want to find truth.

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