Monday, May 30, 2022


Squig is better.  He’s not going back to the dog he once was, but he is doing okay.

I went to the nursery this morning and bought a yew.  Now, I have to get it planted.  That will take me the rest of the day and I probably will have to call some one to come help me before it is over.

The price of plants has doubled.  For that matter, the price of everything has doubled.  

If you are thinking about getting a high milage car because gas costs so much.  Economically, that’s not really a good idea unless you drive hundreds of miles a month.  If you double your miles per gallon, and are like most of us over sixty years old, you don’t drive enough miles in a month to make it worth a car payment.

That is a math “word problem” which is like the ones I assigned to the engineering students when I was teaching at NEO.  They were always shocked at the outcome when they put pen and ink to it.  The cheapest car you can drive is usually the one you already own.  I also gave them the problem of living on what an entry level engineer would make.  Before they did the math they were going to buy a Jag.  After they did the math, they were going to live at home with mom and dad for a few years.  I told them they had to include health insurance, car payment and insurance, rent, utilities etc., etc....One fellow said he was going to buy the sports car and sleep in it so he wouldn’t have to pay rent.  Reality is usually a math problem.

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