Thursday, May 5, 2022

Today is the exterminator recheck day on the bathtub bugs.  The little dandelion mites are gone, but the fruit fly kind of critters won’t completely give in.  If an exterminator can’t kill them, I don’t know what I will do.  Brand new tub.  Brand new footings.  Brand new pipes. And a tub that is seldom used.  Go figure.  The cleaning ladies scour it out every two weeks whether it has been used or not.  

The exterminator said the brick on that side of the house had broken mortar, probably from one of those four or five point earthquakes we had a couple of years ago.  So maybe they are coming in there.  That one tub is the only place they are.  Tony is coming to repoint the mortar soon.

This house is air tight.  More-so than any house I’ve ever lived in.  When the girls come to dust, there isn’t any dust on the surfaces of furniture.  Even they have said it is unusual. I redid everything when I moved in.  New tile in bathrooms, all new fixtures.  All new sinks, counters, granite countertops in kitchen, two bathrooms, utility room.  But I have critters in the bathtub.  You would think I was dirty.  I swear I am not.

This should have happened to someone who was lazy.  Or sloppy.  Or a neglectful housekeeper.  If there is something I am supposed to be learning from this, it’s lost on me.  It does reassure me, however, that the devil is the prince of this world and these critters are Satan’s spawn. 

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