Thursday, May 26, 2022

I now understand the phrase, “The sands of time.”  My days--with Squig being sick--have sifted through my fingers like sand.  I don’t know where the last three weeks went!

I just finished reviewing the upcoming lessons for June-August.  They are over 1 Kings and 2 Kings, and I have made an executive decision...I’m doing something else.  This class is not into history, they are into application.  I think I will challenge them to read those two books, but we are going to do something else on Sundays.  Probably one of Paul’s letters.

One of the ladies commented, “It’s interesting, but those men have been dead for over three thousand years and didn’t know Jesus.  They had one war after another and never learned from their mistakes.”

Sounds like today.  Anyway, I’m tired of war.  I was born in 1938, the year WW2 started and wars and rumors of wars have gone on from there.

I am tired of this world and its stupidity.  God spells out how we should live, but people don’t want anyone telling them what to do.  Someday they will face a righteous God and explain how that worked for them.  It won’t be pretty.  And all we can do is continue to warn them that God is a righteous God, a loving God...but also, he is not going to change his mind about right and wrong.  He set the standard.  He gave his son to die.  You can’t do any more than that.  I doubt that anyone standing before God’s throne is going to be able to talk their way out of judgement.

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