Wednesday, May 11, 2022

I have a call in to the vet.  Squigg has been throwing up for two weeks off and on.  Never missing more than one day.  They have given him two different medications, changed his diet and, x-rayed, and ultra sounded him.  No clear reason.  He eats what I give him--which is according to the vet’s instructions.  Sometimes it stays down, sometimes it doesn’t.  There doesn’t seem to be a clear pattern. 

I know he is growing old--he’s never done this before. I don’t want him to suffer; he seems to feel okay otherwise--just diet.  I can’t find anything for him to eat that agrees with him.  This is a big problem with an older dog--with any dog.  They can’t talk.  It makes me sad.

My neighbor just called and said she was making beans.  I’m going to make cornbread.  Yesterday, I made tabouli--which I love.  So that is supper tonight.  On Mother’s day, Becky and Craig had T-bones; I brought some home and have been eating beef sandwiches.  Food seems to be a big problem for us old folks.  I gave Squig a tiny piece of filet.  He kept that down.  

My fellowship class ate out yesterday.  Ruben sandwiches.  That was delicious.  Yesterday I wrote about churches.  Today about food.  Feed the body; feed the soul.

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